- BOPP-PET corona system

Corona treater model BHSN ( BOPP-PET industry).
The field of BOPP-PET film has always been for years a key-field for MERO.
Only an history and a very long experience can allow you to manufacture treaters able to guarantee a complete reliability as these big producing plants require.
It is not by chance that nowadays MERO can be considered the most important mufacturer for this application.
This is demonstrated by the fact that the most important producers of BOPP film around the world have joined our technology to reach important treatment results with no stops of production for years.
- Web width up to 10.500 mm.
- Specific power (energy density) kept strictly constant during running.
- Special electrode design to give the best transfer of power on the film and to maintain it clean during running.
- Special electrodes in AISI 316 stainless steel able to heat expand without modification of the pre setted air gap (easy heat expand system).
- Special electrodes rotating movement gives the possibility to the electrodes to move away (without damage) from the corona roller in case of impact with thick parts on the film coming from the die.
- High stiffness of the structure holding the electrodes. The electrodes and the hood are infact connected to the strong central beam that gives mechanical stability to the stystem.
- Easy and fast adjustment of the alignment of the electrodes and of the air-gap. Special eccentrics along the electrode allow a fast fine adjustment of the uniformity of the gap.
- Easy air-gap regulation from outside the hood during running.
- Electrodes opened pneumatically for easy webbing up. The hood remains in position during the operation of webbing up and only the electrodes and the openings open up to allow the passage of the film.
- The hood is openable to give you the possibility of a fast cleaning.
- Station built completely with materials ozone resistant.
- Ozone pipes completely hidden by the structure.
- Electromagnetic (EMC) compatibility in accordance with EN-55011 and EN 50082-2 standards.